Transforming APS Research into Everyday Practice
The National Adult Protective Services Resource Center and its partners* have developed a series of webinars and publications (R2P) that translate cutting edge research into everyday practice (R2P). R2P’s are designed to help APS workers and administrators with all facets of case management.
Topmost in the Research to Practice (R2P) list of publications, is a brief entitled “Advancing the Field of APS through Research: an introduction to a Tool for Risk, Interventions, and Outcomes” (TRIO).
TRIO evolved from a study conducted from 2009 – 2011, with 2,505 client episodes. The study sample included 73% elders 65+ and 27% dependent adults. Sixty to eighty percent of the clients studied received basic interventions, such as information and education, referrals, and the engagement of support systems. Five to ten percent of the study sample required a variety of interventions.
Adult Protective Services webinars are available at the National Center for Crime and
Delinquency (NCCD).
* National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA)
and The National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD).
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